
This exhibit will be on display in the Tulsa-World | Lorton Family Gallery from 10/05/24 to 12/19/24. 

The subject of motherhood has been depicted throughout the history of art, reflecting the eras and cultures in which they were created. Impression explores a mother's complex role, one that is both unique and universal. The exhibition invites visitors to consider themes of community, solitude, and intentional perseverance. Marissa Raglin's ethereal collages create a rich consideration of maternal love and care, while evoking questions about the duality of motherhood as both personal and communal.

For this exhibition, Raglin created a collaborative project with fellow artists and mothers Mary James Ketch, Angie LaPaglia, Denise Duong, and Liz Boudreaux. Building upon one another's work, the pieces communicate their unique lens of motherhood while, at the same time, illustrating their many commonalities. Raglin's vividly pigmented artwork with contrasting blank spaces, combined with her inspiring collaborators, form a natural continuation of her body of work celebrating and preserving the stories of women.  

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